Are you an Organic Banana Farmer?

Do you need a banana wholesaler based in Sydney NSW?

If the above applies to you then, we would like to discuss being your Sydney banana agent.

Must be Certified Organic

Obviously your bananas must be certified organic.


We are located in the Flemington Markets, Sydney NSW so we will need to discuss shipping etc.

Buy Australian Organic Bananas Wholesale Sydney

Sydney Market Only

We only sell into the Sydney NSW market and we have 2 massive chiller stalls inside the Flemington Markets.

Please Call

Please call us today to see how we can help each other.

Or pop in if you are near by, we are in Building E, Stall 20 B Sydney's (Flemington) Markets, Homebush, NSW, 2129. (South ROAD inside Flemington Markets)

Please call before popping in as we are often very busy and we would like to give you quality time to discuss any questions you may have.

Please ask for Teny.

Phone:: 02 8006 8144

Mobile: Teny: 0406 705 576

Buy Australian Organic Bananas Wholesale Sydney
  Wholesale Organic Bananas © ™ 1942 - 2024